Summer Blog Series: Visit Summer Art Exhibits Across the USA, Part 1: NYC

Happy summer, friends!

Does this summer find you itching for a road trip? Perhaps you already have some trips to various parts of the country—or the world—in the works for this summer. Either way, I want to suggest that you make visiting art exhibits a must-see in the cities and towns that you visit. Before you visit a new city, research the art museums in that area and see what’s on display that is of interest to you. Be sure to schedule at least one museum visit during your stay. It’ll inspire you and enrich your vacation!

Hot Art Destination: New York City

New York City is fun to visit for so many reasons, and it tends to empty out a little in the summer as locals head to the shore. New York is a vibrant cultural hub and home to an inspiring variety of art museums. Here are some suggestions of interesting exhibits that are showing in New York this summer:

Take Up the Challenge

I challenge you to take in an art exhibit each time you take a trip this summer, even if you’re only going to the beach. Believe me, there are art exhibitions and installations everywhere, and they’re easy to find with a quick search! If you’re staying at a hotel, you may find brochures from local art museums or other art venues in the lobby that can help you find a place to go. I’d love to hear about the art you discover while on vacation and how it impacts you!

Happy travels!


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